The Dining Room Table
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Synopsis: In The Dining Room Table a woman owns a dining room table that needs to be trashed, but she refuses to give it up. Instead, she polishes it and covers it up to hide the imperfections; therefore keeping the truth of the table away from those who see it. Her dining room table is a symbol of her family. She hides her family’s truths, lies, and imperfections, to make outsiders believe her family is perfect. In specific she hides three secrets; her sons. She has three sons living in her home, and only one of them is her flesh and blood. Not only has she kept dark secrets from her two (non-blood) sons, but she has kept a secret from her only son. What secrets has she kept from them? The Dining Room Table is filled with mysteries and suspensions that will keep you wanting more.
All scripts/materials are copywritten and owned by ReadyWriter Company and it's owner Casey Bell. Any use without permission is prohibited by law.