Cry is a drama focusing on a family and their secrets. Cry received a successful playreading. The audience enjoyed every second of it and is still awaiting it's first production. To receive a copy of the playreading (DVD) contact us. Below is the information from the playreading and below that is a copy of the script.
Cry's Playreading

Cry, written by Casey Bell will be presented via Play Reading on June 1 2008, 5PM.
Cry is about a family who abruptly must deal with their issues that have been in hiding for so long. A drama with a touch of comedy Cry will have you laughing and of course crying. Come and witness a powerful play reading with a powerful message.
Cry is about a family who abruptly must deal with their issues that have been in hiding for so long. A drama with a touch of comedy Cry will have you laughing and of course crying. Come and witness a powerful play reading with a powerful message.
Click Here to Purchase Script
All scripts/materials are copywritten and owned by ReadyWriter Company and it's owner Casey Bell. Any use without permission is prohibited by law.